5 weeks into dancing and I fear things are beginning to spiral downwards... Again. Dancing has become less enjoyable and more painful. Eating hurts. Stomach acid in my throat. All the symptoms that terrify me into thinking I may have another year of struggle, pain and upset in order to achieve the degree I so badly long for. I just want to graduate at the same time as everyone else.
Trying to stay positive… This is the hard part. I have only been feeling like this for about two weeks so I still think there is a strong chance of getting back on track. I use a Salofalk enema every night, I am hoping that if I can use one in the day as well that may help heal things before it completely spirals out of control. From now on I am going to and from my lectures and to work and the rest of the time is for chilling out, I must must must get back on top of this horrid disease!